Great science starts with good questions.

Want your child to do something unique and absolutely cool? How about building and designing robots using LEGO?

learn basic robotic engineering, programming principals, and science, technology, engineering and math concepts while having fun!

Fun facts

Why should I become an engineer


From the beginning, x award-winning summer camp has always been about giving kids a fun, confidence-boosting experience where they can explore and develop new multimedia skills with their friends. Whether it’s learning to code, making movies, modding Minecraft, or building robots, our kids are using their summers to do incredible things with technology here at camp.

Do It Yourself Science

Do you know that you can use common things found in your house or classroom to explore science? You don’t need fancy or expensive lab equipment to do fun science experiments. You can demonstrate cool scientific principles and test out your ideas with everyday objects found all around you. Try one of these activities at home or school today!

Tools and Instruments

Make an Electromagnet

What Matters?

Magic Balloon

Fake Snot
Human BodyWhat Matters?

Fake Snot


Shrinking SunChips Bag

MeasurementsWhat Matters?

Measure the Speed of Light Using Chocolate and Your Microwave

Explore wavelength and frequency using your microwave!




Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Egirl Team Posted on March 27, 2012 by Egirl Team
Tacoma Narrows Bridge

Engineers learned a great deal when wind collapsed the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

After the Federal Government refused to pay $11 million to build a bridge that crossed the Tacoma Narrows (cutting at least 40 miles off the trip between Tacoma and Bremerton, WA), the state turned to engineer Leon Moisseiff. Moisseiff calculated that he could design a thin-plate girder-type bridge for only $6.4 million. On July 1, 1940, after two years of construction, the first Tacoma Narrows Bridge was opened to the public. As soon as the bridge opened, it was noticed that it would twist and turn in even the smallest wind. People gave it the nickname, “Galloping Girtie.” Just four months and one week after opening, on November 7, 1940, the bridge collapsed during a 42-mph windstorm. A second bridge was built and opened to the public in 1950. This time, before building the bridge, engineers built a model of the new bridge and tested it in a wind tunnel. They learned that wind would have to pass through or over the bridge instead of the bridge “capturing” the wind, which would make it oscillate and collapse like the first one.

More on the Tacoma Narrows Bridge.

Be an Engineer

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